Benefits for Hospices

Support those in Hospice or Palliative care to record their spoken life story over the phone.

There are great benefits in Life Story Work for Hospices and Palliative Care

Many individuals are in Hospice or Palliative Care. Quality of life for those in care can be improved when care staff better understand an individual's background, interests, and stories. Life Story Work is a powerful tool to boost the process of creating a safe and comfortable environment consistent with an individual's wishes.

Besides the benefits of care staff better understanding those they care for, Life Story Work can also help individuals connect with their identities and their life journey in their later years. By recording an individual´s story you can help them to build a sense of achievement a meaningfullness, while building a legacy for any future generations.

Loneliness has been linked to an increase in cognitive decline, susceptibility to infection, and high blood pressure. Staying connected to loved ones can be even harder when individuals are in Hospice or Palliative Care. Storii is an easy-to-use system that allows individuals to record a life story over a landline phone (or smartphone) and easily share them, if chosen, with family members.  Users have access to a curated list of over 1000 life story question prompts that will be asked via regular phone calls -  answers are automatically recorded and transcribed to a Storii profile.

3 ways Storii can help Hospices

Old woman smilling

1Encourage connection

Using Storii to record spoken life stories starts an inner dialogue. By recording personal narratives, Storii helps individuals to capture memories and stories that might not have be recorded otherwise. Those memories can create an emotional bond when shared with family and also help caregivers access and empathize with how patients may be feeling.

Elder holding hands

2Reduce isolation

Listening to someone´s narrative can strengthen relationships. Once a recording and transcription is shared with family members, it can inspire many follow on conversations. When we learn unexpected parts about the complex, multi-dimensional individual we love, a deeper connection can evolve. Create this deeper sense of connection is a powerful way to reduce social isolation and loneliness, particularly if an individual is nearing the end of their life. Leaving a meaningful story recorded for future generations can also bring comfort to grieving families.

nurse caring for the elderly

3Create a sense of purpose

Studies increasingly demonstrate that Life Story Work is beneficial for those at the end of their lives. By engaging in recording your stories, individuals can experience improvements in well-being and sense of purpose. Legacy activities may be used for therapeutic reasons and reduce the person´s suffering and anxiety by helping them achieve a sense of purpose. We are called Storii for a reason - we care about individuals´ stories! Recording a life story in their own words and voice is a project that can give individual's a sense of deeper connection with their own identities.