Storii Benefits

Preserve Family History
for Future Generations

Leave a legacy for family and loved ones

What did you learn from your father?

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Research indicates that the more one knows of their family history, the greater their emotional health, self-control, and happiness within their family unit is.

In 2001, a psychologists Dr. Fivush and Dr. Duke set out to test the hypothesis that children who knew a lot about their families coped better when faced with challenges. The correlation between knowing where your grandpa grew up and your ability to bounce back from a failure may seem absurd. However, the answer lies in one’s sense of belonging and their connection to a larger family narrative.

How Storii Can Help

Storii gives families and individuals
the ability to easily capture life stories

3 Ways of Preserving
Family History


Passing on traditions

Overtime and as they’re passed down, traditions convey a sense of history that is important for future generations to connect with. Family traditions link strongly to a sense of belonging and identity. They often are associated with positive memories, too.

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Sharing stories and memories

One of the simplest and easiest ways to preserve family history is to share stories. Record conversations with older relatives in your family, capturing their life stories while they’re still alive to tell them. Talk to your grandchildren about what it was like when you were growing up.

Ask your parents about things you would have been oblivious to when you were a kid. Consider the legacies generations before you have passed down. What things have defined you life and your family narrative? The good and the bad.

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Converting family photos and videos

Evolving technology has left many of us with our own videos in older formats. Don't let boxes of vintage film rolls or VHS tapes collect dust in an attic or basement. There are DIY methods and professional services for converting these types of videos into digital formats that can be stored, shared, and backed up.

As for the shoeboxes and albums of old photos, all you need is a way to scan them into digital files. You can likely outsource this task to your local Walgreens or Boots. However, these days there are even scanning apps you can download to your smartphone if you don't own a printer with this functionality.

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Create An Interactive
Life Story

Storii guides families and individuals in digitally recording memories and stories they want to preserve for their loved ones. With hundreds of question prompts and a focus on sharing + collaborating, Storii is a fun and and safe way to store stories, photos, videos and more!

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What did you learn from your father?