Storii Benefits

Reduce Social

Ask a loved one about their life and take interest in their stories.

How did you meet your spouse?

Not ready to start sending calls? Purchase a Storii Gift Box instead

There's a great deal of scientific evidence that social connectedness is a very strong protector of emotional well-being.

Social isolation and loneliness is something that public health communities across the world are attempting to combat through senior programming and resources. As people age, their loved ones pass away and health problems arise. While a natural part of ageing, these often leaves older adults lacking social support and meaningful contact with others. It can lead to feelings of loneliness, lower quality of life, and higher risks of mental health issues. If left unaddressed, this can become problematic.

Research has shown correlations between social isolation and increased risk of dementia and elder abuse. Furthermore, loneliness has been linked to an increase in cognitive decline, susceptibility to infection and high blood pressure. Staying connected to loved ones can be hard, but the benefits are significant.

Here Are 3 Ways Storii
Can Help Combat Social Isolation


Encourages communication

Whether you are setting up a Storii account for yourself or for a loved one, doing so starts a dialogue. Prompting personal narratives, Storii enables users to capture memories and life stories that can easily be shared.

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Purchase a Storii Gift Box instead


Creates social connection

Taking the time to either share about yourself or record a life story strengthens relationships and builds emotional bonds between people. Once shared, the videos, documents, or audio recordings created can go on to inspire future connections and conversations as well.

We tend to think of someone only in relation to the role they play in our lives. When we learn unexpected things about the complex, multi-dimensional individual we love, a deeper connection ensues.

Not ready to start sending calls?

Purchase a Storii Gift Box instead


Provides sense of purpose

Leaving a legacy for loved ones is a meaningful task to work on. Writing a personal memoir or recording a life story is a project that can give people a sense of purpose.

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Purchase a Storii Gift Box instead

Create An Interactive
Life Story

Storii guides families and individuals in digitally recording memories and stories they want to preserve for their loved ones. With hundreds of question prompts and a focus on sharing + collaborating, Storii is a fun and and safe way to store stories, photos, videos and more!

Not ready to start sending calls? Purchase a Storii Gift Box instead

How did you meet your spouse?