Storii Benefits


Using memories to improve psychological well-being

What memories do you have of your grandparents?

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Reminiscence: The use of life histories — pictorial, written or spoken — to improve psychological well-being.

Reminiscence therapy is one of the most popular psychosocial interventions in dementia care. That said, reminiscence can positively impact anyone, regardless of cognitive abilities. It has been shown that life story work paired with reminiscence therapy can have a significant impact on wellbeing and happiness, reducing anxiety and depression.

Benefits of Reminiscence

How Storii Can Help


Prompting memories

Storii users have the option to create their own life story prompts. But Storii's database of questions takes the guesswork out of "Where do I start?". There are thousands of questions designed to facilitate self-reflection and cultivate meaningful conversations between loved ones.

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Engaging the senses

Storii's Playlists, Places, and Media features can assist individuals, families, and care providers with stimulating memories. With these engagement elements you can do things like:

  • Listen to meaningful songs to relive past moments.
  • Create a playlist of videos that feature important historical and cultural aspects of one's life.
  • Upload old family photos that accompany stories being told.

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Flexible formatting

Not everyone likes to reminisce in the same way. Some prefer to reminisce quietly by themselves. Others find it beneficial to do so with a loved one or in a group setting. Some may love answering questions about their life over the phone. Others want to take the time to write up their responses.

At Storii, we know everyone has different needs and preferences. This is why we offer various ways of building and formatting stories for yourself or on behalf of a loved one.

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Create An Interactive
Life Story

Storii guides families and individuals in digitally recording memories and stories they want to preserve for their loved ones. With hundreds of question prompts and a focus on sharing + collaborating, Storii is a fun and and safe way to store stories, photos, videos and more!

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What memories do you have of your grandparents?