25+ Questions You Should Ask Your Grandma Before She Passes

Have you ever wanted to know more about your Grandmother´s life but had no idea where to start? Here are 25+ questions you should ask your grandma before she passes that will give you insight into who she was as a person and what values she raised you with.

If your grandmother’s health has been declining or if you’ve noticed her memory fading, it may be time to talk to her about her life. Since she’s likely to be more open and honest now than ever before, don’t waste this opportunity to collect the answers to questions you’ve always had about her life, but were too afraid to ask before. Here are 25+ questions you should ask your grandma before she passes that will give you insight into who she is as a person.

Questions about her parents

  1. What are your favorite memories of your parents? 
  2. What did you think of them as a child? 
  3. What are their best traits and what are their worst traits? 
  4. What qualities did they have that you admire, and what qualities did they have that you don't admire? 
  5. Who were the people in their lives that influenced them the most growing up? 

Questions about her childhood

  1. What was your childhood like? 
  2. Did you have any siblings? Did you get along with them?
  3. Who were your friends, and what were their names? 
  4. What did you want to be when you grew up? 
  5. What are some of the nicknames that people used for you as a child? 
  6. What was your favorite toy when you were little? 
  7. Who taught you how to read and write?
  8.  What were you afraid of as a child?

Questions about her vacations or travels

  1. Where is your favorite place to go on vacation as a kid? As an adult?
  2. What is your favorite food from that place? 
  3. Do you have any stories about that place? 
  4. Who did you travel with most often and why? 
  5. When was your last trip?
  6. Is there anywhere else you would like to visit before you die?
  7. What was the best day in her life, and why? 

Questions about her children

  1. Who did she have a difficult time raising? 
  2. What is your favorite way to spend time with your children/grandchildren? 
  3. What was the best toy you ever gave them?
  4. What is your favorite thing to make them for dinner?
  5. What are some of your favorite memories from when I was little?
  6. What is your advice for me when I grow up?

Questions about her as an adult

  1. How do you take care of yourself when you're sick or sad?
  2. What's your favorite pastime? What do you like to spend your time doing?
  3. Who are your heroes? (dead or alive) 
  4. Are there any books that you've read more than once? 
  5. Where was your first kiss?  
  6. How did you meet my grandpa/grandma?

Questions about the end of life

  1. What is one thing she would like you to remember about her when she's gone?
  2. Is there anything that I could do for her before she passes away? 
  3. Has anyone else ever asked these questions to you before and if so, what did you tell them?
  4. What were the things that made you happy as a child, as a teenager, and as an adult living independently from your parents?
  5. What advice would you give me about raising my kids? What should I teach them about life? 
  6. What is important in this world, and what isn't? 
  7. Who are the important people in your life, and why are they important to you?
  8. How do you want to be remembered after you pass on?

Storii is an innovative gift that can provide a digital place to store all those memories while allowing your grandmother to share the answers with family members! It offers a simple service that automatically calls your loved one’s home or mobile phone three times a week with meaningful questions about their life. Individuals can respond and record their life story answers directly on our calls, and responses are shared with their families. So why not get your grandmother a Gift Box as a Christmas Gift?

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