Unique Father's Day Gift Ideas That Will Make Him Smile

Every father is special. They do so much for their families, and it’s important that we honor them for their sacrifices. On this special Fathers´ Day remember to gift them a unique gift! Here are some ideas that might help you choose just the right one.

Every father is special. They do so much for their families, and it’s important that we honor them for their sacrifices. As we get older, there are a lot of moments in our lives that we take for granted. After all, if you’re busy enjoying life with your family, you may forget how important they are to you. Giving your dad something special on Father’s Day shows him just how much he means to you—and everyone else in your family as well! So what can you give your dad? We’ve put together some unique gift ideas that will make him smile.

Build, create or bake something together

Being creative with your father can be a great way to help him relax and enjoy a new experience together. If you’re looking for a unique gift idea, something he can build or create together with you will likely be well-received. Be sure to choose an activity that’s appropriate for his skill level—don’t set him up for failure! Consider building a birdhouse together, taking on a woodworking project or baking some homemade cookies from scratch.

Write a song, poem or letter

Parents come in all shapes and sizes. But, one thing is for sure: They are special people who deserve to be celebrated on father’s day. If you are looking for a unique gift idea that shows just how much you appreciate your dad, why not write him a song or poem? It doesn’t have to be perfect. Just express your love and admiration in an open letter or song lyrics. Believe us—your dad will love it!

Go on an experience together

An experience doesn’t have to be extravagant and it can be as simple as taking your father on a hike in a nearby forest. By doing something active together, you will both get a nice dose of Vitamin D and fresh air, which will make you happy. Plus, by going on an experience together you are building memories that will last a lifetime.

Take him out for dinner and drinks

The key to a great father’s day is making it really special. You could surprise your dad with a fancy steak dinner and drinks for two at his favorite steakhouse or make him his favorite meal at home, but to truly wow him, treat him to an experience he’ll never forget!

Plan a trip together

Planning a trip for your father on Father’s Day can be a great way to spend time together. If he loves to travel, create a fun itinerary full of experiences that both of you will enjoy. Remember to include activities like sightseeing, shopping, dining and activities that are special to you as a family. Celebrate his love for your family and have fun creating memories!

Give him the chance to mentor someone

Fathers often have wisdom to share about life, and a great way to put that knowledge to use is by mentoring someone. If your dad has shown himself to be generous, encouraging, fair and honest with you in your life so far, why not ask him if he’d be willing to mentor an up-and-coming adult or a teenager who is just entering adulthood?

Let him choose what he wants

A lot of men are pretty simple. They have one favorite baseball team, a few brands they like, and don’t really care much about what else goes on in their lives. If your dad is that kind of guy, consider letting him choose his own gift for Father’s Day. He doesn’t need to receive another tie! Instead, try something different like a new box set of his favorite series or an activity-related present that you can do together.

Tell him something he might not know about you

Tell your dad something he may not know about you. Sometimes we all need a little reminder that our dads are more than just that guy who yells at us for being lazy or that old man yelling at kids to get off his lawn. Take time on Father’s Day to remind your dad that you know him better than anyone else in your life, and remind him how much he means to you.

Storii is a great tool to start having conversations about your loved ones' lives! Encourage your Father to record his Life Story as well as tell him about yourself - so the family bond can be strengthened. Storii only requires a phone number and your Father will be ready to receive up to 3 calls a week asking life questions. The answers are safely transcribed, stored, and can be shared with other family members. Find out more!

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