50 Travel Memory Prompts for Capturing Your Life Story

You can use these prompts as inspiration to start writing your own travel memoir, or they can be helpful prompts if you’re looking to record specific details of past trips. Use them however best fits your situation!

Everyone has travel memories; whether it’s the trip you took to your favorite vacation spot when you were 10 or the summer you spent studying abroad in college, there are moments from traveling that stick with us long after we’ve returned home. To help you capture these memories and details of your life, here are over 50 prompts to help you write your own travel memoir. You can use these prompts as inspiration to start writing your own travel memoir, or they can be helpful prompts if you’re looking to record specific details of past trips. Use them however best fits your situation!

Life Story Questions - Memory & Writing Prompts About Travel

  1. What was your first family vacation like? 
  2. Where did you go and what made it special? 
  3. What kinds of memories came out of that trip? 
  4. Write about a moment from your trip that especially stands out. 
  5. Tell us a funny story or one that makes you smile even now, 10 years later?
  6. What was your favorite trip as a child or teen? 
  7. What age were you when you went? 
  8. What did you do on that trip? 
  9. Where did you go? 
  10. Who did you go with? 
  11. How long were you gone for? 
  12. What are some things that stood out about that trip in your mind (funny stories, favorite memories, etc.)? 
  13. Why was it your favorite travel experience so far in life? 
  14. Who is one of your best friends, and how did you meet them? What’s something memorable that you’ve done together (trip, activity, etc.)? 
  15. How has that friendship changed over time (if at all)? 
  16. What’s one of your most romantic memories from a trip you took with someone special?
  17. Where were you when it happened? 
  18. What made that moment so special? 
  19. How did you react when traveling to another country and realizing how different things are there than where you grew up (i.e., food, language, customs, etc.)? 
  20. What was your biggest challenge in adjusting to that culture shock? 
  21. What’s one of your most memorable travel experiences ever? 
  22. Where were you going/coming from/going next, what was it like getting there or leaving, and what happened on that trip that made it so special for you? 
  23. What is your favorite part about traveling? 
  24. Which place have you traveled to that has been your favorite so far? 
  25. Why did you love it so much (was it a city, country, activity, etc.)? 
  26. What was one of your worst travel experiences ever? 
  27. What happened and how did you handle it (i.e., what went wrong, what could have gone better)? 
  28. Would you ever take a one-way ticket somewhere if given an opportunity? 
  29. If yes, where would you go and why? If no, why not?
  30. Do you have any bucket list trips you haven’t taken yet?
  31. Where would you go if you could go anywhere?
  32. Think back to a time when you traveled for work. How did that experience affect your life? 
  33. What was memorable? 
  34. How did you discover something new or exciting? 
  35. Where did you stay? 
  36. Who else was there with you? 
  37. What do you remember about your daily routine? 
  38. What is one thing about that trip that still sticks out in your mind today?
  39. Talk about your favorite honeymoon travels and what that meant for you and your significant other. 
  40. What was a favorite trip and why? 
  41. Did it change who you are today? How? 
  42. Did it create any challenges for your relationship with each other or anyone else who is important in your life today? 
  43. Do you prefer hotels over resorts, or vice versa? Why? 
  44. Do you consider yourself a vacation junkie or someone who doesn't really enjoy taking vacations very often? Tell us more about that. 
  45. Where is your favorite place to go on vacation? 
  46. Where have you been that you absolutely loved and would love to go back again someday? 
  47. Where did you go last year for vacation and why did you choose that destination? 
  48. What do you think makes a good vacation spot versus a bad one? 
  49. Why is it your favorite time of day for traveling?
  50. Why is it your favorite way of getting somewhere when traveling?

Easily Record Your Travel Memories with Storii

Record your most treasured travel moments and other memories with just a phone call.

1. Receive 3 life story phone prompts a week (or call-in whenever)

2. Recorded answers are transcribed and can be shared with family

3. Download recordings, add photos to your responses, and create custom prompts at any time!

A life story calling subscription makes a great gift for grandparents. Find out more here.

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