7 Ways Hospices Can Creatively Improve Their CAHPS Scores

Improving CAHPS scores can set your hospice apart by providing exceptional patient care and unique services. Here are some innovative strategies for clinical managers.

Improving CAHPS scores can set your hospice apart by providing exceptional patient care and unique services. Here are some innovative strategies for clinical managers:

1. Therapets

Partner with a group that brings therapy animals into care settings. Animals spread joy and furry goodness to those around them. Their presence can be a source of comfort.

2. Memory Walls

Create a digital or in-person memory wall where patients and families can post photos, videos, and stories. This interactive platform fosters community, allows families to celebrate their loved ones, and enhances emotional support.

3. Art and Music Integration

Incorporate art and music therapy sessions tailored to patient preferences. Encourage patients to create art or compile playlists that reflect their life experiences, offering both therapeutic benefits and personalized care.

4. Relaxation and Wellbeing Therapies

Offer a range of complementary therapies to inpatients and outpatients in safe and comfortable surroundings. These could include massage, reflexology, aromatherapy, reiki, guided meditation sessions, etc. These practices help patients and families manage stress and improve their overall emotional well-being.

5. Compassionate Neighbors

Leverage the willingness of community members to volunteer their time and support to those facing a terminal illness. Match a volunteer with someone receiving palliative care based on common interests, lifestyles, and experiences. Encourage weekly get-togethers. Building genuine friendships during this time can be hugely rewarding for those socially isolated or facing a life limiting condiiton.

6. Customized Comfort Kits

Provide personalized comfort kits tailored to each patient's preferences. Include items like favorite snacks, books, or sensory objects that bring comfort and joy, enhancing their hospice experience.

7. Life Story Recording Service

Integrating a service like Storii for hospices can significantly enhance patient and family experiences. Storii helps patients record their life stories and memories over the phone, offering both call-in and automated call options. These recordings are stored, transcribed, and can be shared with family members or downloaded as an audiobook. It makes a great legacy gift that you could offer to your patients and their families!

Benefits of Storii for CAHPS Scores:

  • Emotional Support: Helps patients feel valued and connected by preserving their stories and memories.
  • Family Engagement: Keeps families involved and informed, improving overall satisfaction.
  • Unique Offering: Sets your hospice apart by providing an innovative and compassionate service that enriches the patient experience.

For more information on how Storii can benefit your hospice, contact support@storii.com.


Improving CAHPS scores involves more than just standard care; it requires creativity and a deep understanding of patient needs. By integrating unique services like Storii, digital memory walls, and personalized therapy programs, hospices can enhance patient and family experiences, set themselves apart, and foster lasting emotional connections.

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