3 Reasons You Should Record Your Personal History With Video

Here are 3 reasons to use video recording to capture you or a loved one's life story.

There are a lot of life story journals and custom life story book companies on the market these days. You can even find bespoke services with professional interviewers, writers and videographers if you want to create something truly unique. Consequently, if you're looking for an easy way to record your own personal history or to capture a loved one's life story, there is no shortage of options. One method that doesn't get as much attention as writing and photo books is video recording. Let's look at a few reasons why video journalling is beneficial when it comes to capturing your life story:

Why record your life story with video?

It saves time 

You can speak a lot faster than you can write. Therefore, if you're crunched on time, creating a video journal is a great way to record your personal stories. It's a faster and more effective way to capture your life stories and can certainly feel like less of a chore for some people.

Video captures your persona better

A life story book can include photos but video is the best way for someone to experience what you're really like. A video recording will convey your laugh, the way you speak, facial expressions, emotions, personality, etc. Being able to see and hear your voice after you pass away will be incredibly special for your loved ones. Additionally, it will be meaningful for future generations that didn't get to know you in person. 

New skills boost brain health

Neuroplasticity is a scientific term used to describe the process of maintaining, repairing, and creating new neural connections in the brain. Research shows that engaging in a variety of new activities that provide mental stimulation helps adults reduce their risk of developing cognitive impairment and memory loss. Adults will definitely be familiar with writing, even journalling. They will already have well-developed neural pathways for this. However, learning how to use video cameras and record a video journal may promote new neural connections and contribute to brain health!

Digital is easier to share

We live in a world driven by technology. Your loved ones consume just about everything besides their food digitally. And even then, they probably use an app on their phone to order groceries or takeout for dinner. Recording your life stories on video ensures that you're using a format which can be easily shared (at little to no cost) with anyone who would benefit from having it.

Storii - Life Story Recording

Don't miss the opportunity to have you or your loved one's personal history recorded and preserved. With Storii, you get access to a database of thousands of life story interview questions. You also have the ability to answer with video, audio, text, and/or images.

Crunched for time? Storii's Life Story Calls makes it super simple to capture your loved one's memories and stories with virtually no effort on your part. Storii makes a great gift and enables people to build up a legacy over time to be cherished for many lifetimes.

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